The Dudhope Multicultural centre
Our Nomination for the Community Award Spirit Award
The Bharatiya Ashram, now called the Dudhope Multicultural Centre, is a local community organisation at the forefront of cultural integration in Dundee. It was awarded charity status in 1995 (SC027124) and incorporated as a company limited by guarantee (SC268724) in 2004. It provides a wide range of services to the people of Dundee, with a particular focus on black and minority ethnic (BME) communities.
Our Mission
- Promote the benefit of the inhabitants and primarily the ethnic minority inhabitants of Dundee and the surrounding area without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, age disability, nationality, race or political, religious or other options by associating together the said inhabitants and the Local Authorities, voluntary and other organisations in a common effort to:
- Advance the education of the said inhabitants
- Povide facilities for recreation and other leisure time occupation for the said inhabitants in the interests of social welfare with the object of improving their conditions of life;
- Establish and secure the establishment of a community centre and to maintain and manage the same (whether alone or in co-operation with any local or other person or body) in furtherance of the above object;
- Promote such other charitable purposes as may from time to time be determined.
The Bharatiya Ashram:
- believes in equal opportunity in race, gender, disability and age
- is a caring and sharing organisation
- respects elders in our society
- strives towards education for all
- respects diversity in religion and culture
Our objectives are:
- the advancement of education for all, irrespective of race, gender, disability or age
- to provide facilities for recreation and other leisure time occupation in the interest of social welfare with the object of improving their conditions of life
- establishment of a Community Centre and to maintain and manage the same
- promotion of charitable activities